Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011


This is the piece of art that I created most recently during my camping trip to Sombrio Beach.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Frog Prince

A good and very wise friend of mine once said that in order to meet the right man you have to kiss a lot of frogs. At the time it helped to validate my experiences and this was the inspiration for this piece. I have to admit though that I really like frogs and they are an interesting and beautiful creature to paint. I hope you enjoy this piece.

I am excited because I bought two small canvases this morning. Stay tuned for more miniature paintings: one of a turtle and another of a stag.

The Hare and the Moon

I completed the piece "The Hare and the Moon" in early March. I have been working on a series of pieces like this one that are an attempt to capture the world of the Hare, the microcosm in which the hare lives. I have this recent vision of completing a series of small pieces and perhaps having some calendars made using twelve of these pieces.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I completed this piece today. I am so pleased with it that I've decided to do a large piece incorporating many of the same elements. If it continues to develop as I envision it will include lotus flowers but a similar face and similar elements.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This is the most recent piece that I completed on January 17. I hope to do a series of black and white pieces.

Monday, December 27, 2010


This is a piece of art that I painted for my dad for Christmas.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cosmic Vortex

I finished Cosmic Vortex in early December and I am planning a couple of large pieces which I will draft during the christmas break. Some parts of Cosmic Vortex were painted entirely using my left hand. This was a challenge, but was necessitated by the repetitive strain injury that I was dealing with in my right arm. As an artist, I was not aware and didn't really consider that I might sustain a repetitive strain injury from painting. I am happy to say that with physiotherapy and a cortisone injection I am much better and able to get back to painting.

Happy new year and love to all.


Sunday, October 3, 2010


I finished "Wisdom" in August. I have discovered that I love owls because they represent to me strength, wisdom and mystery. This is a small piece of art and one of several smaller pieces that I would like to have photographed and made into art cards.

Descent Into Darkness

Since June 2010 I have been struggling with a repetitive strain injury associated with painting, so I have been spending less time painting, although I have several pieces that I am slowly working on.

One of the pieces that I completed last month is Descent Into Darkness, which I have given to one of my best friends as a gift. I have also designed a piece called Ascent Towards the Light which I plan to work on over the next few months.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

"In the Depths"

"In the Depths" is a piece that was inspired by the ocean and by one of my favorite symbols, the nautilus shell (which is also the new logo for the collaborative private practice that I am developing with several colleagues). In my art I see the nautilus shell as being a symbol of the self that is submerged within the depths of a person's being only to be discovered through reflection, insight and personal development. In Hindu mythology, the nautilus shell is a symbol of creation with each of the chambers in the shell representing the stages that each individual passes through during life. The piece is 11 by 14 inches, acrylic gouache.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Journey Into the Mind's Eye"

This piece is called "Journey Into the Mind's Eye" just completed today! It is 9 by 12 inches. The design in the center of the piece is based on a crop circle that was discovered in England in 2001, the "Milk Hill crop circle". Some believe that crop circles were created by aliens. I'm open to the idea, but I also think people have the skill and genius to bring to fruition these amazing designs. Some time in the very near future I am planning to have smaller pieces such as this photographed and made into art cards.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It is Written in the Stars

I'm very excited about completing this most recent piece of art. I had never seen a circular canvas until an artist from Pender Island introduced me to this option which fits perfectly with the creation of mandalas! I completed this piece of art on May 18th. I call it "It is Written in the Stars". It is 20 inches in diameter and I am certain it won't be my last circular piece; it's probably going to be the first in a series.

Stay tuned for more art. I have another small piece that I just designed and many more to come!

Ebb and Flow (small version)

I completed the smaller version of Ebb and Flow in April 2010. This piece of art is 12 inches by 12 inches.

Ebb and Flow

I began working on this piece on January 31. I dedicated over 100 hours to this piece since January. It is 30 by 40 inches. The theme is going with the flow of life rather than resisting what happens. The nautilus shell in the center represents my "self" and the journey through life. The four Koi fish represent myself and my family.

Shambhala Spirit

This piece is "Shambhala Spirit". It is 30 by 40 inches. I began painting this in November 2009 and finished it at the end of January 2010. This piece is inspired by nature and specifically by my trip to Nelson BC that I took last year in August.